Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jacksonville - Oct. 13, 2010

Formative Assessments & Standards-Based Grading

I thought this would be a good place to start posting for discussions on the event in Jacksonville and plans leading up to the conference.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Formative Assessments and Standards Based Grading

Hello Team,
First, I want to say how IMPRESSIVE it has been to hear such positive feedback from teachers regarding the Common Assessments roll out over the last 2 weeks!  I know how much work you ALL have put into making sure this initiative is going forth smoothly with our teachers.
As we plan for professional development for the 2010-2011 school year, I see another workshop that is being offered by Solution Tree that we may want to consider, but I wanted to get feedback from you first.  Ms. Begley mentioned that she saw the second part to the training we attended on the website, and it is in Florida, but I do not see it.  The link below is a 2-day training in Jacksonville that involves the Grading Piece.  Please look it over and let me know your thoughts.  This is a good time to start a blog, so we can discuss (Phil, are you interested in setting this up?), but in the meantime we will use email :-)

Let me know...thank you!

Sabine B. Phillips